Mood - Fizzled
(Note to self:
Don't allow Gilderoy to get drunk in your office.)
Hmm, now where was I? OH yes... The knock at the door. Turned out to be the headmaster. He wanted to talk about the whole thing about me taking classes. Thank GOD he only asked me to do one. DADA. Well, it seems every professor here can defend themselves properly except me, so I guess its not such a bad idea in the long run. Too bad Mr Universe takes the class. I like him don't get me wrong, but I really don't know how to take him as of late... I'll get to that later though.
Back to the headmaster. He also asked me if I wanted to attend a Quidditch match that is being held tomorrow. Hufflepuff versus Slytherin I believe. (Oh boy. I'm very sure violence will ensue.) I agreed naturally and it seems he has arranged for Snape to accompany me. Odd choice I must say... I hope Minerva hasn't had a say in this... The stirrer, haha.
The Headmaster also asked how I've been coping. (I think he can tell how homesick I am.) I told him how I was feeling, as I figured there was no point in holding back when he was willing to listen. I also told him how welcome I've been here at Hogwarts and how all the teachers (especially Lockhart.) have made me feel loved. He said that he was very glad and also added that "Lockhart would make you feel like that. He is like it with everyone." I don't know how to take that really. Almost feels like he's saying I'm nothing special, but I know he didn't mean it that way.
We then got talking about rules and regulations. I innocently asked if there are any rules regarding teachers having romantic attachments to each other and he only goes and smirks in that funny way... You know, that smirk I've been getting a lot recently. What on earth could he have been thinking?! Me and... Oh no no no. That would be wrong and far too obvious... wouldn't it? He raised an eye brow and asked "Why, did you have someone in mind?" Needless to say I was a bit shocked and assured him I was merely and not to mention innocently asking a simple question. Turns out its not against the rules, its just advisable to keep any such romantic involvement away from students eyes as it distracts and what not.
Next minute you know he starts this long speech about how 'He has noticed the way me and Lockhart act towards each other" and that "We can't hide it." What on earth is he talking about?! I started to wonder if he'd been too close to Snape's potions again. Well, perhaps Lockhart may be acting oddly, but not me! I'm a master of disguise I am. Well, at least I THINK I am. Ohhh rats... Do I feel sheepish. I doubt he feels like I do anyway. As the Headmaster said, hes like it with everyone.
Anyway. Regarding classes... It seems I'll be in classes for the first part of the morning when I have to attend, then acting as teaching assistant the second half and then the rest of the time will be spent doing my original advising job.
After the headmaster left I saw a couple of students then it was time for dinner break. Lockhart poked his hair, oops I mean head, round the corner and smiled that dopey smile of his. (Which made me turn to jelly inwardly by the way.) He came in and perched on the couch and ate dinner with me. (No beans this time thankfully.) He had even brought along some contraband... Firewhiskey. (His favorite apparently.) He offered me some. I'm not a big drinker, but I'd never tried it before. By heck it wasn't half strong, but it wasn't half nice too! Yummie!
I think he had a bit too much though. He kept grabbing my arm tightly and hugging it saying he wanted to go to sleep. It was quite cute, but it was a bit naughty of him since he had a class to teach later on that afternoon.I tried to get him to go back to his office but the persistent toe rag insisted on keeping me held down so he could use me as a pillow. I figured I should have let him sleep it off, hopefully he would have been sober by the time his class was due. So I did. I was able to slip out of his firm grasp and let him lay on the couch. I placed a throw over him and he subconsciously grabbed a cushion. He looked SO adorable!
A student arrived for advice and didn't notice Lockhart at all... Until he started snoring loudly. The poor lad nearly wet himself with fright. He asked what he was doing there so I told him he was tired. (Which was true.) He left rather shocked... I dread to think what he is going to tell his friends.
A while passed and Lockhart was still asleep. I couldn't resist walking over and staring at him. It was adorable the way his hair was trailing over one eye and the way his mouth slowly opened and closed as he snored quietly. A picture of perfection. Found myself stroking his hair though which would have been rather awkward if he had have woken up. And guess what... He did. He raised his head and stared me straight in the face. (Probably scared I was some sort of crazed fangirl who likes to cut off bits of celebrities and keep them in a shrine in some cupboard somewhere.) But, thankfully he wasn't too scared. He smiled rather softly at me instead and sat up. My hand had still been on his head so he grabbed hold of it and kissed it lightly. (Such a charmer!) I wondered if he was still slightly drunk, but surprisingly enough he was fine.
Then, he realized he was late for his class and stood up. He was just going out the door when Snape walked by and walked back only to have a go at him. Apparently the students were "bothered that he was late". Snape was all like "What were you doing in Rachel's room" and whatnot. I just stood there in silence. Heck, I didn't know what to do or say. Lockhart just smiled and stumbled his way to his class leaving Snape staring at me with the most unusual look on his face. It was almost like he was angry at me or something. What had I done? It wasn't my fault Gilderoy 'Can't-hold-his-drink-too-well' Lockhart had gotten drunk and was late!
Anyway... He walked into my room and said that he was accompanying me to the Quidditch match... Which I already knew, but I thought I'd let him tell me anyway. I smiled politely at him which he seemed to like. He stood there staring at me with the slightest of smirks on his face. It was most unusual. He then decides to pipe up saying something to the effect of "I take it you'll be cheering for Hufflepuff." I could tell he seemed to think I was a typical female professor... So I told him I'd cheer for his students. It seemed only nice. I think it pleased him and so he said he would call for me mid morning. (I wonder if Gilderoy will be there.)
He left anyways and not much really happened after that. Had tea rather late, but other than that it was normal. Got to bed at around 10 ish which was ok. Looking forward to the Quidditch match as it was going to be my first!
Woke up feeling homesick again this morning. I should really write back to my folks... I will have to get onto it tomorrow, its far too late to be doing anything now.
Went and had breakfast with Sprout. I haven't really had much chance to talk to her. She seemed to have this funny idea that me and Snape were some sort of an item. (I bet its Minerva's doing.) I set her straight anyway... (What is it with people and matchmaking here? Don't they have anything better to do?!)
Got back to my office and started to file some things I had lying around till Snape arrived. He knocked on my door and entered holding a Slytherin scarf. He said he thought I might like it for the match. How sweet... I smiled at him and thanked him while he wrapped it around my neck. (Wasn't exactly sure why he did it so slowly and why he insisted on staring at me, but never mind.)
Headed off to the match and sat in the stands. It was so big! It was amazing! I was so exited I was literally jumping around. Snape pretended he didn't mind, but I think I started to scare him a bit I was that hyper, haha!
Sat down next to him anyway and he explained some of the rules as I really wasn't exactly sure of them. Gilderoy was there, he was just sat in the stands next to us. He kept looking over at me... I think he watched me more than the game itself, the silly goose.
The match was amazing... Slytherin won! I've never felt so alive. I should really watch the games more often.
After it had ended I headed back to my office ready for dinner. Lockhart was stood waiting at my door leaning on the frame. He was fiddling with his gloves and smiling as usual.
I love our dinner breaks. They are really great. I can really talk to him, you know? We get on so well.
He was all like "Ohh, nice scarf. Converting to Slytherin are we?" so I just gave him an evil look. Hehe. I unlocked the door and entered... So he started saying things like "Oh yes, I think it suits you, Mrs Snape. Truly!"
I was like 'YOU WHAT?" I couldn't believe what he had said. He laughed and patted my head telling me not to be so touchy, so I told him what Minerva had been thinking and about Sprout. I think he was shocked, as he didn't say anything for a bit. He just sat on my couch chewing some odd roll looking thing filled with purple veggies. He finally piped up and offered me one. Well, as long as they weren't alcoholic they were fine by me. Sat and chatted for a while, then he suddenly grabbed hold of my arm and said "I wanna go sweep sweep!" I immediately though they had been drugged, but the sod was just playing. He opened an eye and looked up at me with a cheeky little grin. I just smiled and swatted at him, so he grabbed on tighter saying "Not letting you go. Your mine now, sorry." (Oh wow. Did I melt or what.) Surprisingly, I didn't blush. Nope. I just said "That's fine by me." OK... what the heck is wrong with me? I'd NEVER say that... Those rolls MUST have been drugged. But, they weren't.
I think he wasn't expecting it either. He slowly lifted his head up and looked me straight in the eyes. (Eeee..... Wow. Hot.) His face was a picture... He grinned saying "I-i-it... is?" I just nodded like one of those dog things you see in muggle cars. He smiled more when I nodded. I think he was pleased. He took my hand again and gave it another of his lovely kisses. I think I was high on something though... I ended up saying "Is that the best you can do?" Oh jeeze. Yes, definitely high...
Then something happened I never expected... There was a knock at the door... (YOU FIENDS!!!) A student walked in and shut the door behind her asking if she could talk. (Well, there goes that moment.) Gilderoy, somewhat irritated by the interruption it seemed, said goodbye and left the room, while I listened to the girls problems.
It pretty much got worse as the evening went on. I had to see another 6 students, no sign of Gilderoy at all all evening and I spilled ink on the couch. Don't ask me how though.
I'm so tired now, I can't wait to go to sleep. I'm just in bed at the moment finishing this entry then I'm going to snuggle down and go to sleep.
Night night all...
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