Saturday, May 27, 2006

September 19th to the 23rd

Mood - Positively Buzzing.

(Note to self:

Sneaked my way to his room like I said I would. Got to his room at around 1/2 am-ish though... I knocked on his door and he answered it wearily (Obviously I had woken him up.), his eye mask still over his eyes. Haha. I just tackled him into his room and I didn't let go of him all night...

Woke up at the usual time. Didn't have any classes though. (I'm still confused as to how frequent they actually are.) We spent the spare time together though. Went down to the lake and sat on the grass under a tree. He sat with his back resting on it and I sat in front of him with my back towards the water. Spoke about various things. He asked me about my family properly so I told him about them. I did the whole speech, haha. I was like: "Oh yes, my family goes as follows:

  • Father Glyn (Ass)- Muggle (Thankfully living elsewhere. Hurrah for divorce.)
  • Mother Julie - Pure-blood
  • Sister Kelly - Half-blood
  • Brother Ryan - Half-blood
  • Grandmother Margaret - Pure-blood

And so on and so on. I was worried I was boring him with all the details, but he said he didn't mind and that he had asked me anyway. I just grinned nervously. I hate feeling as though I'm boring someone even if I'm not.

I told him about my diary getting stolen again the other day. I had actually forgotten myself. He couldn't believe it and said he would help in any way he could, even if it meant venturing to the Slytherin hang out spots to check for licorice wand eaters. How sweet of him, hehe.

The weather was fairly nice for a change. It had been pretty dreary lately and very rainy, but today there was a bit of sun. It had dried the grass out nicely at least so we didn't have wet butts, haha. However, it wasn't really all that warm. It was mild, but you know me... I wear a Coat in 90 degree heat. Hah. He was quite happy with the temperature though... He just sat there with a serene smile on his face, closing his eyes from time to time, allowing the rays that were poking through the branches to warm his face. He looked so peaceful.

Mind you, it was quiet. Most of the students had classes or were on their way to classes, so we were really the only ones around the lake. It was simply bliss...

After a while of silent contemplation, he suddenly moved forwards rather quickly. It made me jump quite frankly. He snatched my hand and squoze it tightly while staring in my eyes. I had no idea what he was on with, he's such a mystery at times, the sod, so I just raised an eyebrow at him. He just sat there smiling at me (You know, that smile that he does... Well, you might not know, so here is an example:

) , stroking my hand sighing to himself.
Then he started blurting out all the romantic terms of endearment he could think of. Some of the names he called me just made be giggle... 'Honey-Pie', 'Sugar-strudel', 'Baby-snuggles'. What on earth? Snape must have drugged him previously... Haha. Apparently he had come to a realization as he was sitting there staring at me. He said that he had never been happier and that he had found someone special. (Oh wow... Did I blush? Oh yes!) Then he staring saying stuff about how he never felt quite right before and all his fame was the most important thing to him and how when I came into his life he found something to live for besides himself. Sounds a bit rough, but where he is concerned its the highest compliment one can receive, believe me. Then he said that he had actually been thinking a lot about it before and that he hadn't 'just' had the realization. The fibber!

Man, was he getting attached or what... I didn't mind of course, but usually I'd be worried if a guy got attached to me this quickly.

Next minute he starts saying "Oh my darling. I don't want us to ever part! Can't I sew us together or something? Or maybe meld ourselves into one human being? No, that would be freaky... Oh can't we just get married!?"


Waaiiiit a second...!


Did he just say what I thought he said?


"Oh my darling. I don't want us to ever part! Can't I sew us together or something? Or maybe meld ourselves into one human being? No, that would be freaky... Oh can't we just get married!?"


"Oh can't we just get married!?"

OH MY GOD! I DID hear right!!! Was he serious, or just joking?! I didn't know what to say or do, so I just sat there, mouth gaping like a fish. He smiled again, this time the one that lets you know he is not joking, and started going on about how he would like the wedding. He starts gesturing wildly, all the time squeezing my hand with the one that wasn't flailing like crazy saying: "Oh yes. Imagine that! Me dressed in my finest robes, you dressed in pure white. Oh darling you would look fabulous. We could have a huge wedding cake that was as tall as a house and have loads of reporters from the Daily Prophet come and review the whole thing... Oh my how wonderful."

I was the silent one again. Well, what do you say to that? It's not every day you have a marriage proposal (If that's what it was.) from Gilderoy Lockhart is it? I was quite amazed, but I thought I'd let him finish fantasizing about the whole thing. After all, he had that determined look on his face and when that is there woe betide anyone who gets in the way, haha.

After a while I think he noticed my stunned silence, stopped talking and raised an eyebrow asking if "There was something the matter". Something the matter... SOMETHING THE MATTER!? Of course there bloody is! I've only just had my mind mashed to a pulp by said proposal. Instead of saying nothing (As that would be a lie anyway) I simply asked if he was serious. (No point in lingering is there? Could be wondering for ages otherwise!) He blinked and drew back ever so slightly as if HE was the one now in shock. He stared at me for a few brief moments, looked me up and down to see if I wasn't joking and said in a surprised tone: "Of course I was!"

Much blinking ensued.

He started laughing when he realized just how stunned I really was. I ended up giggling too, I mean... Wow! What!? Haha!

He took hold of my arm and drew me closer to him so that my back was against his chest. He stroked my hair and whispered in my ear, "There is nothing I wasn't more..." Ohh, did I ever melt... But, at the same time I do have to think rationally. I have only just met him (But I feel so close to him already.), I don't know him well enough (Yet I feel like I've known him all my life.), Things could die down if we marry too soon and we could realize we are not right for each other. (Yet I've never felt so right about anyone or anything in my life.)

I said all that to him and he just nuzzled my head in that cute way that he does saying, "You know we are right for each other. I felt it the moment I saw you. Sometimes times things really are black and white and don't have to be pondered on. I believe that everyone has someone designed just for them..." I turned my head slightly and looked at him. Those were deep words for him. He then concluded by saying: "I believe I am one of the lucky ones... I found you." (Oh wow...)

At that moment in time all I wanted to do was drag him back to my room, lock the door behind us and not come out for a good few days. But, I managed to resist, teehee!

I smiled at him and huddled closer. Even though it sounded nice in theory, there were many things to consider... Which I told him by the way. (Oh gosh, I know how to spoil things with serious thought don't it? Heh...) I expressed my concerns over the whole secret thingy, you know... I mean after all we were supposed to be keeping it a secret right? I also said that there was money issues and family issues. No one had even met him before, so there would be, most likely, some friction there. Also the fact I have only known him a short while. Money wise I'm totally skint and so are my folks really. He hushed me by putting his finger to my lips and saying: "Don't you worry about all that. I have plenty of money... You know that." (Do I?) "And as regards family, I'm sure they will be delighted! After all, who can resist me?" I had to laugh at that, the silly sausage. Then he added: "The whole 'secret' thing is no problem either. We can just marry on the quiet. Not a big thing, just me, you and your family. No media, so screaming fans... Which are mine of course, nothing."

On the quiet huh? Wow, sounds so romantic. Just me and him and my family surrounding us in our moment of marital bliss... I just hope it can be pulled off. Its not as if he can not be noticed is it?

Anyway, we sat there a few moments more contemplating it all. He is pretty enthusiastic about it. Its so unusual. Usually people like that run a mile when it comes to commitment. After a little while longer we headed to the great hall for dinner. (Students were appearing and it was getting pretty awkward.)

To be honest, there's not much to tell. I have been extremely busy with work and stuff, but no more amazing events or embarrassing escapades to reveal. Mostly just been me and him, his room (Or mine) and his constant talk of 'Weddings'.

I had a letter today (27th) from Mom. She was expressing her feelings about me and him. (Well, I had to tell someone, right? Hehe.) She ended with her usual tone of sarcasm telling me I was in trouble. (Of course I'm not, but its fun to mess around. Wait... On second thoughts, I might be, HEHE!)

Just eaten tea with you know who. Some strange none-purple- (Hurray) Veggy lattice thing with mushy pea fritters. Odd I know.

Just about to snuggle down for the night. I'll hopefully be back on track by tomorrow.

Nighty poos! (Gilderoy says night too!)

Monday, May 22, 2006

September 16th, 17th and 18th

Mood - Feeling much better.

(Note to self:
Snape + Me = B-a-a-ad...)

Oh boy. I'm feeling much better now. I don't understand though why there are no spells for curing such things. Surely there must be! If there isn't, there should be and if there is why were we not informed/cured by now!?

I'm still a little sniffly and my voice is back. The past couple of days were spent in bed eating lots of comfort food, so not much to report. (When I say 'In bed', I mean either of ours. We alternate so as not to appear too suspicious... Even IF we both have the so-called 'Kissing disease' and all one really has to do is put two and two together... But, thankfully for us it would seem both the students and the faculty are both slow when it comes to that.)

I drew that pic of me in my summer ball gown like I said I would!

Its not very good, but I tried to get all the details in there.

Was owled a letter from my mother this morning. Apparently my uncle tried to take his own life. My family (Mostly muggles it would seem.) are taking the whole thing so wrong. People just don't know how to treat others do they? Apparently one of my great-uncles visited him in hospital along with my other great-uncle and my 2 great-aunts and the first thing he said was "Why did you do it?" Oh, please... That is the dumbest thing to say to someone like that... Its no wonder he went through the roof. My mother was upset, naturally. I kinda wish I could be there with her. Gilderoy has been a star though. He has helped cheer me up no end. He even decided to give me a nice back rub last night while I was writing my letter back.

Sent the letter this morning when I woke up. We both took a walk to the owlery, which was very nice. The weather wasn't too great, but we didn't care. (It thundered yesterday in fact!)

The headmaster thought we were well enough to return to classes and what not. You know its funny... I always thought it took longer to get over than what it has... Maybe its all down to diet. We eat very well here.

DADA went rather well. The class was ecstatic to see Gilderoy again, as Snape had been taking over while he was recovering. They had even put up this cute little banner saying 'Welcome back' that they had all signed. I think it pleased him a lot.

When I had to assist we got some remarks. It might have been due to how Gilderoy was staring at me through out and how he was unknowingly making physical contact a heck of a lot. (I say unknowingly... I don't know if it was the case or not. Regardless, it caused a stir.)

After class a few of his fans stayed behind to suck up to him a bit telling him how they had missed him and the place wasn't the same with out him and blah blah blah. Its cute, don't get me wrong, but it was also highly corny at the same time. But, I guess it makes him happy, so... You know... Whatever floats your boat.

After much pic signing we went for lunch. All the time spent together and the past few days events had pushed out what happened with Snape from my mind. It wasn't until we walked into the great hall and I saw him at the head table, eyes fixed on me, that I remembered just how troubled I was by it all. I don't know what it was, but I shivered as soon as we made eye contact. What happens if, you know, what I think happened, happened? I'm just so scared that I might be right... I don't want to be in some ways, but I can't ignore this odd feeling in the pitt of my stomach, a feeling I have held for him for quite some time now. I don't think it is love, I have that reserved for Gilderoy, it seems similar though. He is such a mystery, maybe that is what is drawing me to him, that is stirring up these strange feelings? I couldn't possibly love him... Not Snape... Severus... Snape.

Well, the dinner was pretty strange. I sat in silence for most of it pondering how I should go about the whole thing. Should I tell one of the staff? Minerva maybe? She understands such things... But, if I do it can't be undone. Such things cause such friction and many problems... If I go ahead with this, it may end up causing such grief... And what if I should be wrong? It doesn't bear thinking about. I would feel so ashamed and there would always be a stigma attached to Snape that he may never be able to shake off, regardless of his innocence. Gilderoy too. I may lose him. What if he thinks I did something willingly? What if he... doesn't trust ME after that? I know his relationship with Snape has always been one of those 'rocky roads' as it is, it would be worse afterwards. But, on the other hand... If I am right, then surely such a man must be brought to justice. Such a man must be removed from the institution. Me, yeah sure... But, who would be next? Poppy Pomfrey? Minerva? Or worse, maybe a student! All those cons... Not enough pro's. I must really think long and hard about my decision. It must not be made too hastily, yet it must not come too late either.

I shall stop deliberating about it for now...

Started advising. Megan Kellett saw me again. It seems she started to make a few friends. A couple may not be the best choices, but still...

At tea time I was visited by Minerva and Gilderoy at the same time. It would seem they were both here for the same reason... Apparently they were both worried about how quiet I was at dinner today and they had been discussing it as they were walking up the corridors to my room. (Nice eh?) It was because of the whole Snape issue, but I was hardly going to tell them was I? Well, not at that moment in time anyway, so I simply made my great-uncle the excuse.

I think Minerva may be cottoning on to me and Gilderoy now... He walked behind me (As I was sat in my chair.) and placed his hands on my shoulders giving them a little rub. She gave us a little smile and we both kind of looked at the floor with a nervous smirk. I think we knew the game was up... She knew now. (Don't know about the others.)

She then said "You look so good together. You really do."

We both looked at each other quite stunned. We never expected such comments from her.

She then added "But, you must try your best to keep this as secretive as possible. It would seem quite a few of the students are already passing rumors and it is distracting them from their studies. It cannot do that, no matter how wonderful it is."

She has a point. After all, you don't join Hogwarts to pass notes about two of the professors, or gather in the bathrooms to gossip all the time do you?

We nodded in agreement. We understood why she said it, but at the same time we were happy that she, in a way, had given us her blessing. It was such an odd feeling. She told us that she would not speak of it to anyone other than Dumbledore for our benefit, smiled and walked out the door.

We sat/stood there for a few seconds in a stunned silence. Had that really just happened? After a while we both looked at each other and just laughed. I think he was quite pleased that someone was actually accepting us... After all, once the fangirls found out there could be war.

Both high on our own sense of happiness, we strode our way into the hall with big beaming smiles on our faces. Not even Snape could ruin it this time! I sat down, flicked some hair proudly from my eyes and tucked in to tea with out a care in the world. That is... Until tea had finished and I was in my room alone and I got a visit from... Yes... Snape.

He knocked on the door and after I said come in, he shut it behind him and almost glided towards me. I was sat on my bed writing this entry at the time and I had to quickly hide it under my pillow. I didn't know what to say or do. I was slightly scared and my heart was pounding. But, he just stood there looking down at me with a blank expression on his face. Well, I was quite creeped out by it and so I gathered the covers up and held them close to me. (Well, when one is in ones night dress one tends to feel somewhat naked.) He didn't speak, he just slid onto the bed next to me, still staring at me. Then, after a while of silence (And not to mention me freaking out inwardly) he finally spoke. "Are you feeling better?"




I just looked at him with a puzzled expression. So he then said "I thought you were somewhat distant at tea tonight, not to mention you have been avoiding me as of late." (Distant? DISTANT!? Oh yeah, he's a FINE one to talk... He's like 'Lord of the Distant'!) I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I was quite intimidated by him sat on my bed, looming over me. His eyebrows raised a little as I croaked some garbled words and then his hand reached out for my face. Such a pale hand... Coarse from working with many potions and being burned by many cauldron flames. Well, I flinched and pulled the covers closer. He noticed and so said "Are you scared of me? Is that it? Do you honestly think... I... 'did' something very inappropriate that night you were drunk?" I nodded slowly... Quite scared of how he would react. I mean, I know how I would react to such an accusation... He lowered his gaze, but still wore that vacant expression until he frowned and reached out his hand once more sliding it through my hair and around the back of my head and neck, while his other curled around my shoulder which was poking out from under the sheets. He drew me closer and I tried to pull back, but he had a tight grip... He, well... one can only describe it as a hug. He drew me into his chest and his arms wrapped around me tightly. I was quite alarmed at that point, but at the same time I thought that if he was going to do anything of 'that' nature, he would have done it long before now. No... Nothing sinister happened, instead he just stroked my hair like he did that night and whispered "Silly girl" in my ear. I lifted my head up to look at his face. Due to being scared I had started crying and so my eyes were very red and itchy and I had a hard time focusing on his face and had to blink a lot. What was going on? What on earth was happening? I just sniffed and he smiled at me. A strange sort of smile... As if it held some sort of distant meaning.

My head was just a mess at that moment. What on earth would Gilderoy say if he walked in? What would he do seems a more fitting question...

I told Snape that I couldn't, but was interrupted by him saying "How could I ever do that to you?"

It was strange, because it seemed he didn't really WANT to take it any further... He never even made any attempt to show any other sort of affection whatsoever. He just held me tightly. It was almost as if he was just enjoying a rare moment of security.

He finally let me go and stood up. He walked towards the door, turned, smiled and walked out leaving me to my thoughts.

So here I am, hand trembling (Which would explain the spelling mistakes and whatnot by the way.), wondering what on earth just happened. It would seem that all is not as it seems and that nothing really did happen. In a way I am relieved, yet at the same time some what troubled still. I cannot allow him to do such things. Gilderoy means everything to me and to lose him would just make my life not worth living. He has become such a big and important part of my existence now that I can't imagine ever being without him. He is the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing when I go to sleep. Which is why I cannot let Snape come between us, what ever it is he is up to.

I'm tired now... Such events exhaust me beyond belief... I just want tonight to pass quickly so that I can see Gilderoy again I just need someone to talk to... I want him to hold me so that I know things are all ok. I might sneak to his room later if I have to.


Friday, May 19, 2006

September 14th and 15th

Mood - Like hell threw a brick at me...

(Note to self:
Glandular Fever is best kept hidden from ALL staff members.)

What is it with strange days lately? I went to sleep for quite some time and woke up at tea time only to find out that I had a cold of sorts.

I'm still confused about what happened with Snape. One part of me is saying nothing and another is screaming at me telling me all sorts of crazy things. It didn't help matters much when I realized he was stoking my hair and staring at me as I slept. Could he have, you know, taken advantage of my drunken state? No... It would be too risky surely. He'd lose his job if...

I must stop thinking like this, it'll only drive me insane.

Wasn't sure if I should go to the Great hall for tea or not... What if Snape was there? I know I can't avoid him forever or anything, but what if I start feeling uncomfortable? What if... I start liking the attention? No... No, no. I'm with Gilderoy, I can't risk losing the wonderful thing we have together, not now. Most women would kill to be in my shoes... (Or boots as the case is usually.)

Hark at me. I'm an advisor and I need advice! Its crazy! Maybe its the germs...

Well, I stayed in my room and snotted it out, er I mean... waited it out. I had a knock at my door sometime after 8 o'clock last night. It was Gilderoy wondering if I was ok, as he hadn't seen me since... You know. I was relieved to see that he hadn't heard anything about me ending up in Snape's room. I was all sniffly and snotty and he made a cross sign with his fingers at me... The sod.

He walked and sat next to me on my bed. Took his boots off... I don't know whether it was a blessing (For the sake of my sheets cleanliness.) or a curse. (For the sake of my nose... Which, although blocked, still managed to smell them anyway.) He told me that he wanted to look after me and he snuggled down with me and laid his head on my pillow. Heh, its just a virus. Why so much fuss?

He ended up spending the night even though I warned him he might catch my germs if he got too close. He said he didn't care, snogged my face for for a good few hours and stayed regardless.

This morning I woke up with horrible sinus pain. Gilderoy woke up noon after complaining of an itchy throat. I think he is catching it.

Went for breakfast swearing that the first person to even mention glandular fever would get a right good slap upside the head, or failing that... Get their butts zapped. He didn't seem all that bad, but I was having a hard time hiding my germs. I think I managed it...

Parted as he had to get to class. He told me to rest up, so I decided to take his advice. On the way back to my office I passed Madam Pomfrey in the hall. She told me I looked dreadful and that I should let her examine me... I was most hesitant.

Ended up slouched in a chair in the Hospital wing with her shoving some wooden stick in my mouth asking me to say 'aah'.

Remember how I said that the first person to mention glandular fever were in for a shock?



She seemed to find it interesting anyway. She kept singing about it being a kissing disease or some such nonsense. I just sneered under my breath as quiet as I could. I think she is going to be looking out for anyone else who may have it now in some futile attempt to figure out who I've been apparently kissing. (Of course, I have been kissing Gilderoy... Well, I say kissing. What I REALLY mean is virtually eating his face... But, I'm hardly going to tell her that am I?) These people... need b/f's and g/f's... Egh. Or lives or something. Maybe a pet. Or a hobby... Like fishing, or model making.

Er... I was getting a bit sidetracked there wasn't I?

Decided to rest for the next part of the morning until dinner break. I snuggled down and snoozed. Ahh... bliss. Especially when one feels like there's a golden snitch in ones throat.

Dinner break came, so I decided to head to the main hall. Got there and Pomfrey was the only one there. I plonked myself down in my seat and chewed my meal rather unenthusiastically. Dumbledore and Minerva strode in and sat down, both asking about my sudden case of Glandular fever. (Is it me, or does word travel very very fast here?) I could tell they were in on it too. The fiends...

Lockhart eventually strolled in and was mobbed by a few fangirls before he could get to the head table. He was being asked all sorts of things and every time he spoke his voice got weaker and weaker. Uh oh. Ba-a-a-a-ad. He tried to tell them he couldn't stay and it came out as "I ch-a-nt stahhhhy gehhhrls". Well, Pomfrey and the others looked at me straight away. I just raised an eyebrow as if I hadn't a clue what they were on about and croaked a hello at Gilderoy who had just sat in his seat.

He was all "Hhh-elloh hhh-eadmahhsterrrh, Minerhhvahh n pohhmfreyyhh" and they just grinned.

Surely our cover was blown for sure now? Argh!

But, perhaps not. Who knows.

Was both told to rest up though. So we did. We camped in his office and even made ourselves a little fort. Haha!

Not much to tell, other than lots of food, recovering and plenty of kissing. Hehehe. Oh yes. Plenty of that.

He keeps jabbing me in my ribs to stop writing. I know what he is up to... I'm just being evil and prolonging it, hehe.

I had better stop though... Its getting late and we both need sleep. (If we actually get any that is. Hehehe.)

Night all... *snot*

Sunday, May 14, 2006

September 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th.

Mood - Unsure

(Note to self:
Don't get drunk...)

Hmm, well. I haven't been updating it that great lately have I? I missed all those days... T'was for a good reason though, I assure you. Firstly I was a little busy and then I had my diary nicked AGAIN.

So, I guess first things first... I'll carry on from where I left off.

Yes... I know what you are thinking about the whole student-bursting-in-during-private-moment escapade... Silly of us wasn't it? Haha!

Well, lets just say any desk usage will be put to one side for... Ahem... later use, if you catch my drift. Hehe.

Well, after that the class went fine. Assisted as I should have done anyway and broke for dinner. Sat in his office instead of in the hall as he had some things to sort out. (Fan mail... Tch.) I sprawled out on his bed chewing on some of those roll things he loved so much while set sat as his desk signing all sorts of things. Someone had even sent in a sock for him to sign!

I sat there and watched him as he giggled over some of his fan mail. Some wouldn't feel right having thousands of single women writing to their man, but I don't see any harm in it. After all... He picked me!

He snickered more as he read a letter that had been sprayed with perfume. It was so strong it filled the entire room. He scratched at his face in disbelief and said "Haha. Listen to this one..." He cleared his throat and began to read looking at the letter down his nose as if he was reading through half moon spectacles. "My darling Gilderoy. You are an inspiration to all. You never cease to amaze with your sheer beauty. I worship and adore you and I always will. Forever and ever."

There was a moments pause in which we both stared at each other blankly, then erupted in laughter. He put the letter down on his desk and leaned back in his chair, still laughing to himself. I just said 'Yes darling' and he turned his head to face me and winked.

Well, I won't go into too much detail as to how we spent the rest of our dinner break. All I can say is that afterwards I had to get to my room for advising (After arranging to visit Diagon alley a.s.a.p as I've never been. Yet.)... Saw a few students, had tea and went to bed.

Got up nice an early in the morning (15th) and went to class. Not much happened other than him insistently winking at me through out... (For someone who wanted to keep the whole thing as private as possible, he was sure messing up, haha!)

Yes. We want to follow the rules and keep it all hush-hush. After all, no one knows for sure what's going on. (Apart from that group of students who walked in on us... Ugh, but who'd believe them anyway?) All the other professors saw was us dancing together and having, generally, a good time, but it doesn't mean anything does it? So, yes... Its all staying hushed for now. Aren't we good? Hehe.

The class went well, as did my teaching assistant role. I'm getting much better at it all now! I'm learning so much.

Dinner break came and the students piled out to go the the main hall, which left us alone. Gilderoy was busy tidying up some of the books that he had used and picking up pieces of paper that had been strewn everywhere from a little accident. (There's always one accident guaranteed with HIM around, hahaha!) I just sat on one of the near by desks and watched him. He was wearing his brownish coloured robes and every time he turned they made a wonderful 'swish' sound. He looked stunning, quite frankly. I don't think I have ever felt more attracted to anyone in my life as I was to him at that moment in time.

He leaned over one of the desks, muttered something about not liking such an untidy class room and reached for a piece of paper that was behind it... Nearly falling face first onto the floor in the process! It was quite funny, because he was shouting and his legs were sticking up and wiggling frantically in the air, while he tried to stop himself face-planting the floor... The poor guy. I was all nice and went to help him, even though it WAS incredibly hilarious. I pulled him backwards by his shoulders and his feet found the floor again. His face was red and his hair was messed up and covering one of his eyes. The silly bean... I giggled as he grabbed onto my shoulders for dear life, sweating quite a bit. I told him that he was safe now and stroked his hair. (Not to mention removing a strand or two from his eyes in the process...) He did this hilarious melodramatic sigh and grabbed hold of me tightly. I knew he was messing around, so I laughed rather loudly and threatened him with a pummel if he didn't let me go... So he decided to lift me up instead.

There I was, my legs milling around, giggling like crazy while he pretended to bite my neck like a savage beast making the sound effects as well.

He eventually stopped and put me down, but kept me held close to him. He smiled at me in this adorable way... It was so peaceful. I was still reeling over just how lucky I really was when he kissed me. Good god, it was like he wanted to bite my lips off! I really didn't care, it was nice to know that I actually inspired such raw emotion in him. I felt very wanted.

After he had virtually removed my lips (and half my face, haha!) he nuzzled me in this cute way and said that I was all his. Needless to say I about melted in his arms there and then. Me? Gilderoy Lockhart's? Too... good... to... be... true! I just asked if I was dreaming and the toe rag asked if I wanted him to pinch me to find out. I gave him a playful evil eye and slapped him on the arm. But, the git did anyway! Right on the butt! I was like "EEK!". Anyone passing the class room would have no doubt wondered what on earth was going on! HAHA!

After I told him off in a round about manner, we decided to head to the main hall to eat there, as we never seemed to. So, yeah... Ate there. Walked in only to be hosed with laughter from that group of students who walked in on us.

Spoke about when to head to Diagon Alley and we decided that we'd go tomorrow. (16th) He seems excited to show me around... I hope we don't get mobbed. His fans tend to crowd around the book store apparently. But, I think he seems to be rather excited to have me on his arm. Could this be the first public appearance of 'us', so to speak? I mustn't get too far ahead though... After all. Keeping something secret can't exactly be kept up if most of the wizarding world knows about it. Maybe we will have to keep even this little trip low key.

Eventually dinner ended and we headed back to our offices. I miss him when we are apart. Yes, I know that sounds sappy, but I don't care! I've never wanted to be with someone as much as I want to be with him. He is... perfect!

Saw a few students about their 'Draco problems'. (Typical huh?) I think I'm really going to have to have a word with Snape about that, for definite now... I'll have to see if I can catch him at tea or something.

Eventually tea time came around, but Gilderoy decided to invite me to his room instead of heading to the hall. (Is this guy obsessed with avoiding that place or what, haha! Mind you, he does get a lot of attention from the female students when he does go in there...)

So, I got changed and walked to his room. Walked through the class room and up those stairs and knocked on the door. He said for me to come in and so I opened the door... I was like 'What on earth... oh my god!'. He'd only dotted candles everywhere... It was so beautiful! (I wonder what he was up to... Wink wink nudge nudge...) He stood there in his wonderful outfit, (The one that matches his eyes) and just smiled at me. I could tell he was rather proud of himself at that point, because I about burst into tears. Obviously it was the desired reaction.

I walked in and he slowly walked towards me placing a wonderful soft kiss on my lips. (Oh... my GAWWWD!!!)

We ate our meal of... yep, you guessed it. Purple soup, purple veggie rolls and those lilac cupcakes. Haha! It was simply wonderful! Sure, it wasn't fancy dining at some hoity-toity restaurant, but it was just right for us!

After those cup cakes had vanished into our stomachs we sat there watching the flames flicker on the candles. He was sat on the floor leaning against the side of his desk and I was sat in front of him, leaning on his chest with his arms curled around me.

He began to tell me about his books and whatnot and how he became a professor here at Hogwarts. It turns out he isn't as new as me... I burst into fits of laughter when he told me about what he did for valentines day. Pink robes? Oh gawd! He asked me if I had done anything crazy before and so I told him about some of the things I had done when I was little. He seemed to enjoy the odd tales, so I decided to tell him about all my mishaps too. Like, for instance, how I got the scar in between my eyes...

After I had finished, he tightened his grip and put his face against my hair. I think he was happy at that point. Genuinely happy. I know I was...

The rest of the night, well... I won't go into it. There are SOME things that aren't even meant for the pages of a secret diary! Ehehe...

Woke up in the morning with severe dead arm. The big lump had been lying on my bloody arm all night by the feel of things! There I was trying to remove my arm from under him and all he could do was lay there snoring softly and looking cute! I reached for a wand that was on the dresser next to me and eventually got it in my grasp. Quite fed up of having no blood in my arm I uttered a quick levitation spell and made him float off my arm. Only problem though was how to stop him floating. (I'm still crappy at basics... Pssh, some substitute teacher I'LL make...)

He woke up, to make matters worse. He was like "Rach, I feel funny" and noticed his state of floatery. He screamed like a girl! It was really rather funny.

Eventually I figured it all out and he ceased his naked-flailing, hehe. We then got dressed ready for a new day. He threw on his dusky pink (Not bright pink, thank god! I wonder if he still has those...) robes and I wore my black tight trousers and a pink t-shirt like thing that looked like a shirt... Has a collar and everything and pockets either side.

He stood there fiddling with his gloves again and smiled at me as I got my big black coat on. (My black coat is my friend, hehe.) I frowned at him and asked if he ever actually wore those, so he grinned and put them on saying "SEE!"

He walked up to me and put his arm around my waist saying "Shall we" while gesturing to exit his room. I nodded, smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He offered for me to go first, so I did and... slammed the door in his face saying "OK, well... see you!" Hahaha! I could hear him behind the door shouting "OI!" and laughing. He knocked a few times threatening to turn me into a flower if I didn't open the door! Oh dear lord, not a flower! So I let go of the handle and he yanked it open. There was a pause where he just arted at me with a blank expression, then finally he grinned deviously and pulled out his wand saying "You asked for it, darling".

I laughed and ran down the stair saying 'Ohhh noooo', while he quickly locked his door and dashed down after me. The painting that was set at the back of the room (The one of Gilderoy painting himself.) wondered what on earth was going on and ended up slipping with his paintbrush. Haha.

We ended up chasing each other round and round the desks until he finally nabbed me and tickled me half to death, the sod.

After much laughter, we headed out for Diagon Alley.

(Turned out the reason why he arranged to go to Diagon Alley today (16th) was because he actually had no classes at all! Hurrah! A break!)

When we got there the place was packed! Wizards and witches were milling about everywhere. It was a sea of wide brimmed hats and robes! I've never seen so many magic folk in my life!!!

I could tell Gilderoy was trying to keep his head low just in case he was spotted, but after all... He couldn't be missed could he?! He stands out like a sore thumb...

Anyway... We began walking down the alley and he was pointing at various places telling me what they were all for and such. He was like "This is where you can get your wands from, that's for your robes... Its where I go for mine of course. And that's where you can get your owls!"

The further we walked, the less uptight he seemed. I think he was glad it was all going so well. He was simply beaming as he frantically pointed things out to me!

Eventually we got to a store that he seemed the most eager to show me. Flourish and Blotts. Such a nice place! The window display made me giggle, as it was Gilderoy's latest written works... His biography 'Magical Me'.

I peered inside the shop and I noticed someone just stood by the entrance. Uh oh. A greeter! How irritating! Its just a good job my mother taught me some transformation spells when I was little wasn't it? I dragged Lockhart to one side and told him my idea... He wasn't too keen to begin with (Something about is wonderful figure and gorgeous looks.), but realized it might be a good idea. So... I asked him what he'd sooner look like and so he described a random person... It was him! I slapped him on the arm playfully and asked him to be serious. Eventually he came up with a good one. A random, normal looking male wizard with the stereotypical, long white beard. So, I gave it a shot and HUZZAH, it worked like a treat. He DID look funny... Only thing was that he still had his voice. I just hope he didn't get spoken too a lot.

We emerged from the corner we had been tucked in and entered the shop and was greeted. The greeter was all chirpy and said "Welcome to Flourish and Blotts sir and madam." Gilderoy couldn't resist doing his usual flamboyant greeting, but I had to nudge him to stop otherwise his cover would have been blown for sure and we had only just begun! I said my hello's to the greeter and smiled, attempting to ignore the funny looks they gave us both. Walked further in and viewed all the different sections. It was fairly packed even though it wasn't a signing day or anything.

There were books on mushrooms, wands and unicorn horns. Invisible books, floating books, books on some rather adult related magic and even books about what to do if you clog your plug hole up with floo powder! By the door was a HUGE display featuring 'Magical Me'. It was very cool... There were so many of his books there it was unbelievable. I know he has written a lot and most of his stuff is studied at Hogwarts, by by god I never expected the collection to be this... large!

The crowd was quite loud and some were shoving others out of their way. How rude! We managed to move our way to the back of the shop where everyone seemed to be collecting. No wonder... That's where his autobiography was... All that could be seen were frantic fans grabbing for their copies and dashing as fast as they could to the check out. Others were stood around reading it and talking about it to who ever was stood next to them. Some were just acting daft...Silly fangirls. Hehe.

I could tell Lockhart was pleased by what he saw. God help us if his head inflated any more... Jeeze. (I love him really.)

Bumped into a lady by mistake and virtually had my head bitten off. She was wearing all black and had a very large hat on her head... She was also wearing black lipstick and it made her look scary. She was all "Watch it! Can't you see I'm standing here you silly girl!?" My jaw dropped. I mean, it was bad enough she had the nerve of talking to me the way she did, but GIRL?! Gilderoy stepped forwards and said "Could you please not talk to her in that manner." or something to that effect anyway... She turned around and snapped at him calling him an old fossil. He didn't take kindly to it so told her where to stick the copy of 'Magical Me' she was holding tightly, then realized it would be a waste of book and told her not to after all. I think she started to suspect though... He was talking! Doh! Suddenly his hair changed from white to blonde. (Oh dear lord, no! I forgot to make it longer lasting!!!) Everyone gasped and stared at him and he was all "what's wrong?" Next minute his clothes and everything return to normal, the only thing remaining was the white beard. Well, I was stumped. I slapped my forehead and sighed. The gasping grew louder and one of the women shrieked "Its Gilderoy!". At that moment I think he realized what was going on and his eyes widened. He grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me out of the store, closely followed by the mass of fans. The beard slowly vanished as we ran to the Leaky Cauldron, hoping to lose the crowd in the process.

Ahh... The Leaky Cauldron. Perfect for hiding in. (Or so we hoped...) We ran in hand in hand, slammed the door behind us and peered over the top of the window ledge. The crowd passed by, so we breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face the bar... Only to see a group of confused folk staring at us blankly. Gilderoy smiled at them all and one of the women fell off her stools, haha! He was still holding my hand and I think that's what everyone was gawking at. We shuffled nervously up to the bar and decided to make the most of it. He ordered us both 2 fire whiskeys and so we sat down on the bar stools in front of us. The bar tender slammed 2 glasses down and proceeded to pour our drinks. Gilderoy smiled and grabbed his glass, raised it and said "To the joys of the Leaky Cauldron. Perfect for having a good time, shelter and getting totally blasted!" I giggled and raised mine too.

Down they went. One by one. Oh dear...

By the time I knew what was going on we were both back at Hogwarts and I was waking up in his office with him sprawled on me, both completely naked with coasters on our heads. What had happened?! I really dread to think.

I looked at the clock and it was 5PM. I had missed the first part of my advising shift and it would soon be tea time. I stopped thinking and wiggled slightly to wake Mr 'Coaster-head' up. He mumbled something about sheep and started snoring again, so I jabbed him in the ribs and he woke with a loud snort. He was like "What!? What's!? Where are we? What happened!?" I told him where we were and said I hadn't the foggiest what had gone on. He groaned and clasped his forehead with his right hand.

We both stood up and got dressed. Every single sound hurt. It was murder! I was still slightly drunk. (Extra Note: I was more that slightly drunk by the way.) Lockhart's hair was a mess, but I don't think he was that bothered which was amazing. I said I would see him at tea time and set off for my office. When I exited the class room, there were a group of Slytherin's crowded round the door. They looked at me and laughed... God, it was like a mass of pneumatic drills at my head! I didn't have a clue what it was all about, so I just carried on to my office, walked in, shut the door and found my diary was gone again. The beasts!!! How dare they! I'm going to report them for sure now, even if the diary contains some very controversial issues. (Not to mention pictures.)

Only 2 students visited thank god, so it was generally ok. Got to tea on time which was good. Entered (Staggered) the room just as Gilderoy did and was met with gails of laughter from most of the students. OK, what on EARTH had we done. We both frowned and clasped at our heads as we walked in towards the head table. Got to it only to be glowered at my most of the professors there. We asked what on earth the matter was and apparently we both got drunk and paraded around Diagon Alley half naked only to come back to Hogwarts with coasters on our head singing a song about how sexy we both are. Needless to say, we both blushed bright red, apologized and sat down, or rather sank into, our seats.

Snape glanced over to me and I looked at him with half open eyes. It was so darn noisy! He asked what on earth we were doing there together anyway, so I told him I'd never been to Diagon Alley before and Gilderoy was giving me the guided tour. Snape sneered and said "Its no wonder you ended up a drunken wreck with him involved... If you wanted to go you could have asked me." I noticed Minerva glance over at Snape and she grinned to herself. I said a quiet sorry and hid my head in my folded arms. Lockhart was pretty much doing the same.

Ate some wonderful food. I don't know what it was, but it was great. Drank some wine too... Oops! Haha! Mixing drinks? Oh dear me, I was in for it.

After tea we all exited the hall for our rooms. I hoped that the food would sober me up, this firewhiskey + wine isn't easily shaken off. Gilderoy staggered one way, while I staggered the other... Ended up nearly falling on those blasted moving stairs. (From this point on I'm going to be writing what I was told by Snape, as I don't actually remember a thing, again!) But, for some reason Snape was there and he caught me. I was very drunk it would seem and giggled a thank you while holding onto his robes for dear life. He held me up and walked me back towards his room. I was very wobbly and kept tripping up over everything saying 'Whoops!'. Passed by some students who mumbled amongst themselves as they watched us both head to Snape's room. I was all "So, Snapey-wapey. Where are we going-y?" I think he isn't used to those sorts of terms of endearment. He just said he had something that would sober me up in no time back in his room. So I was all "Oohhh... Your room eh, Snapey. Sounds kinky." (Oh my good god, what? What on earth was I saying!?) He grunted nervously and gave the students one of his famous death-glares and carried on.

Got to his room and he propped me up against the wall while he unlocked the door. (Why does he have to live down there? After the door there were loads of steps and everyone knows drunk people and steps don't mix!) After much step-navigating, we got to his room and he walked over to his stash of random bottles filled with potions, while I crumped on his bed singing a song about turnips and doves! He fiddled around with this and that and walked over to me with a bottle in his hand full of brown liquid. I apparently sat up and hugged him telling him his black robes really brought out the death in his eyes and I liked it. He said "Thank you, but I think you had better drink this now." I grabbed the bottle and swigged the contents asking if it was 'alcamaholic' and started to feel drowsy, then fell to sleep on him instantly.

I woke up the following morning (Today) right as rain. I opened my eyes to see Snape lying next to me stroking my hair. I virtually freaked out! I was all "EEK! WHAT? OH ME GOD!" inside, but I tried to stay calm on the outside until I figured out what was really going on. Granted, I hadn't the foggiest what had happened the night before, but it might not be what it seemed... Right?

I sat bolt upright and he sat up properly too saying "Welcome back". I was under his sheets and got quite worried... I asked what was going on and he told me what had happened the night before. My face must have been a picture...

I told him thank you for taking care of me (If thats really what he did...) when I was drunk and exited his room, my head spiraling. I felt quite ok, but there was something making me feel ill at the back of my mind. I suddenly remembered the potion he gave me... Was it really to cure the effects of the alcohol? Or... No, silly Rachel! Don't you start accusing good people of things like that! Snape is a wonderful man... I think.

Decided to have a rest and asked for the afternoon off. Found my diary back in my drawer when I returned to my room... Ugh, I hope I feel better tomorrow...

I wonder if Gilderoy is ok...

Going to sleep now.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

September 9th

Mood - Even a deadly monster stomping around in the halls eating students couldn't make my happiness disappear...

(Note to self:
Maybe keeping ones diary in an unsafe place has its benefits...)

Where was I then? Ah yes. There I was stood in my white gown (I'll have to draw it or something, as I doubt I'll get any photos to keep... Mind you, I met a certain student who is obsessed with photographs and has a camera by his side constantly the other day who might take a few pics. He's a Gryffindor or something.) There was one thing though, I wasn't exactly sure when it started and if it started at 6 PM I had already gone over time by a good half an hour or so due to dress problems and so fourth... I also found it highly irregular that I hadn't got a date or any man to escort me there. How rude, eh? Heh. Never mind, I'm all for randomness.

It has to be said, its no wonder I never wear dresses like this... Its bloody hot I can tell you!

I eventually stumbled out of my room rather awkwardly (Not used to wearing shoes with a heel bigger than 2 inches you see.) and noticed there was no one about in the corridors. It was now obvious it had started as I could hear orchestral music echoing faintly. (You know, it never clicked. Its no wonder everyone has been rushed lately... They'd been getting things ready. I had never noticed until I thought about it stood in that corridor outside my room.)

I ran as fast as I could down the hall and up the stairs and so on. (I bet I looked funny clutching my dress so I didn't trip, mincing like a fairy, heels clip-clopping.) Finally got to the hall, took a deep breath (While adjusting my ruffled skirts and hair... Which I had tied back with a ribbon by the way. Gasp!) and slowly rounded the corner. Oh my was it scary. I stood there in the big door way staring at a sea of people all dressed up and there was Dumbledore sat up on the head table. (The tables had been moved and only a couple remained at either side of the room so there was a massive space to move around in. The head table was still there though.) Minerva was sat next to him proudly watching in her black dress and she looked very nice I must say. She gave me a quick wave, so I headed over. Snape was sat next to her and noticed her action, so craned his neck. His face was priceless! Haha! (I think I'm going to call him 'Fly-catcher' from now on.)

Finally waded through the sea of senior students and got to the head table. Snape had stood up and greeted me before Minerva could even begin to speak. He grabbed my hand, kissed it and said "Charmed, I'm sure." (Oh god. Not another Lockhart! Eeek!) Minerva chuckled to herself... I could tell what she was thinking, the sod! Snape, still grasping my hand firmly, maneuvered me around the side of the table and pulled out a chair for me... Right next to HIM? Oh lordy, Minerva is going to have a FIELD DAY! I'm never going to live it down...

I sat down anyway, seemed impolite not to. He was only being nice... Wait a minute... Snape!? Being NICE!? Told you this place is crazy...

I surveyed the sea of people... Smart clothes, flowing gowns, laughter and gossip... But no Lockhart strangely enough. He must have had hair trouble or something... Hahaha! I still wanted to know what I had done wrong to make him leave like he did. It was most unusual.

Well, I figured I would just have to be patient and wait for him to arrive before I could find out anything, so I decided to have a conversation with Snape. (Who was, for some reason, focused on my dress... Or rather the top half of it anyway... The perv.) He isn't very talkative I must say. It was me doing most of the yapping as per sodding usual.

Sprout was mingling with the students and saw me and waved, so I decided to go and say hello. I got up from my seat (After saying excuse me of course. See! I'm all polite and proper when I want to be!) and slowly made my way down to her. Spoke about this and that, she commented on the fact I was sat with Snape (I knew she couldn't resist it.) and on my dress. She had helped with some of the preparation and so I was nice and said it was fantastic. (Of course, I had yet to find out properly as I'd only just got there, but what I'd seen and experienced so far was great!)

The music stopped for a brief moment and the chatting seemed to quieten down a touch. Suddenly frantic footsteps could be heard dashing nearer to the hall and around the corner came a rather flustered Gilderoy clad in... oh my good lord... White! And I don't mean parts of his outfit were white, I mean ALL of it... The only thing not white was his cape tied around his neck and shoulders which was a dark lilac colour. Waistcoat replete with fancy embroidery, shirt with ruffles and lace edges, pressed white trousers and pure white suede-like boots. Quite simply stunning actually. Quite a few people stopped talking and just stood there staring at him as he swaggered in somewhat embarrassed about his late entry saying "Sorry. Sorry I'm late ladies and gentleman..." Haha! He cleared his throat and flicked his head back to move a strand of his hair from out of his face.

Sprout giggled to herself and I asked her what was wrong. She said "That Gilderoy never ceases to amaze... He's so silly." I couldn't disagree with her there. He was perhaps the single silliest person in the world, hehe! I just stood there smiling and nodded.

Suddenly the headmaster announced the start of the dancing. (God knows why he had to announce it, but never mind.) So all the couples who were willing to dance gathered on the floor and the band started playing again. It looked really nice from a distance.

Gilderoy was slowly making his way to the head table when he noticed me tucked in the corner with Sprout. His eyes virtually watered. It was so strange, the look he gave me I mean... He just stood there with a sweet little smile, his eyes gazing at me so softly. But there was still something a little off about him... I couldn't help but smile back even though didn't know what was wrong. I think Sprout had noticed as she nudged me and giggled saying "Looks like you have an admirer there, you lucky so and so!" I just said that she didn't know the half of it and laughed too.

Gilderoy was approached by a couple of senior girls begging for his autograph, so I figured my chance had gone to talk to him. I told sprout I needed some air and so I slowly wandered to one of the towers that over looked the grounds for some breathing space and time to think. It was a beautiful night, the stars were so bright and ever now and then a small cloud would drift by with its edges lit up by the full moon. It was fantastic... It was also rather warm, the only thing making it cooler was a gentle and balmy breeze. I was just watching a cloud sail by the moon when I heard a voice from behind say "Aren't you going to dance?"

I smiled to myself, as I knew who it was. I slowly turned my head to look at Gilderoy, who was standing there fiddling with his white gloves. (As he usually ended up doing. I think he fiddles with them in his hands more than he actually wears them...) I couldn't see what expression he was wearing on his face as he was standing in the doorway and the light from inside was shining from behind him so he was just a black silhouette for the most part. (The moon was highlighting certain parts, but his face was in darkness.) I shook my head to say I wasn't and he walked towards me slowly. I decided to retort by asking why he wasn't dancing... He told me "He hasn't got anybody to dance with", which obviously made one of my eyebrows raise. So I said that was rubbish and that he could easily dance with any of the girls there, as they are no doubt more than willing. He just walked next to me and leaned on the wall. I decided enough was enough so I asked what I'd done wrong, you know... what with earlier and everything. He tilted his head and asked what I meant, so I explained. He averted his gaze to somewhere beyond the wall at that point, as if he was hiding his face or something.

Was he annoyed? Embarrassed? I wonder why people are so complicated and why things are never simple...?

He mumbled something under his breath with his head turned away from me. I couldn't hear what he was saying so I asked him to say it again. Apparently he ...found my diary in the drawer. He said he "Shouldn't have read it and he was sorry for reading it all." Oh good god. Its no wonder he's been acting oddly! I bet he thought I was just another rabid fangirl, you know... The kind who'd bid for his underwear online or something. But, much to my surprise he turned his head back to face me and he was smiling. I was blushing rather wildly, but managed to smile back.

Then... He said "I like your doodles of us by the way. Very nicely drawn. Good concept." I about fell through the floor. The amount of doodles I have drawn in my diary of me and him in various romantic situations... I bet I looked like a love sick school kid! I just laughed under my breath nervously, only to suddenly find a hand reaching out for my face and turning it back to face him again. He just smiled so softly at me as he slowly moved closer, his hands holding onto my elbows. I just stood there virtually melting, haha! I've never seen him look at me in the way he was... Ever! A hand slowly crept upwards and brushed my cheek ever so lightly. It felt so nice...

I was about to ask him if anything he read or saw offended him, but before I could get the second word out he had pulled my face to his and had pressed his lips onto mine. Oh... lordy. ow! What?! I think I need a minute here recalling this...




Right, that's it. I'm ok now... But, seriously though. Gilderoy Lockhart and... ME! Its so unusual, its so... UNLIKELY! He could have the pick of any girl in the world (virtually), but he's interested in boring, lil ol' me! Yes, this place is definitely crazy...

So, there we were. Arms wrapped around each other as if we were about to vanish any second, our lips locked together bathed in moonlight. It was almost like a scene from a movie or something! It was just... perfect. I never thought it would ever happen, not to me... And certainly not with him. But, I mustn't get too carried away. Its not as if were are getting married or something, haha!

He slowly pulled his lips away from mine just leaving them close enough to still touch. He was breathing somewhat heavily and his breath felt hot against my skin. Mind you, I was no different. He stared into my eyes and pulled me closer, kissing me a second time.

OK... Need another break. Gawd...




OK. Whew.

A slight breeze drifted past making his hair blow around ever so lightly. It was wonderful... The faint orchestral music playing in the back ground only made it more dreamy. He prized his lips from mine again, but as soon as he had he brought my head in to his chest holding me so tightly... I had never felt so safe in my life. I felt like nothing cold make me unhappy. Nothing in the world could possibly spoil the moment we were sharing... My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was going to have a heart attack or something. But, I didn't care.

After what seemed an eternity, he released his grip on me and we both took a single step back and just simply gazed at each others form. His eyes were sparkly, as if he was almost close to tears. Then, he took another step back and bowed asking if "I cared to be his date." I giggled at him and slapped him playfully on the arm. He just winked and grinned at me, holding his arm out. So, I put my arm in his and we made our way back to the main hall. The last piece of music had just finished as we got to the main doors and the band had just started the next piece. We walked into the hall arm-in-arm, causing a lot of the students to stop and stare at us in shock. A lot ended up saying "I knew it!" or something. We just both grinned and made our way the the middle of the floor. It was odd, because all the students seemed to stop dancing and moved to the sides to watch rather than dance themselves. (Gawsh, it WAS embarrassing.)

We both bowed and he placed a hand securely around my waist, the other holding tightly onto my hand and off we went. I hadn't danced in such a long time and the waltz? Well, I was never that good at it. But, it seemed like I was doing just fine! I hadn't forgotten, just like you never forget how to ride a bike... Everyone had their eyes fixed on us, pure white clad people, dancing with purpose. I glanced at the headmaster and he was just sat there a strange satisfied smile on his face. Minerva's mouth was wide open, Snape had the look of thunder on his face and Sprout, who was still in a corner somewhere, was gasping in mere joyful surprise.

Gilderoy was just smiling at me. From that moment on, I don't think we took our eyes off each other.

The music ended and everyone clapped as was usually the case. But, there were hoots and whistles thrown in too. (I guess we were a hit, haha!) We both bowed to each other and he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

That was the last thing I remember... I don't remember what I did after, I don't remember who I talked to (If I talked to anyone at all that is.), I don't remember leaving... (Don't worry, he didn't use a memory charm... Haha.)

What I do remember I don't think I can repeat... But, I know one thing I won't forget... The satisfaction of waking up with the sun shining through the window and the perfect man by my side. Oh yes. Sheer bliss.

I just stared at him and brushed a few strands of his hair away from his eyes. He slowly woke up and opened his eyes to see me staring at him. He just grinned and placed a hand on my shoulder. I asked if he slept well and he mumbled (Still obviously waking up.) sleepily with a huge grin appearing on his face saying "Oh yes. Amazingly..."

He sat up after stretching and pulled the covers up over his bare chest. Although the sun was shining, it had indeed dropped a little cooler. He gave me a kiss and told me how much I meant to him. I sighed in a melodramatic way and fluttered my eyelids, hehe. Laughing, he pulled the sheets from him and stood up. (Eek! Oh my... NEKKIDNESS!) He grabbed hold of his clothes and began to dress himself. It was a good idea though... Classes soon. I followed suit, only to have him steal my blouse and run around holding it as high as he could. Next minute he grabbed his wand and made it levitate! The sod... Eventually managed to retrieve it and headed out to class hand in hand, a huge satisfied smile on our faces.

Got there and there and there were no students there at all. Lucky us. He placed his books on the desk and grabbed hold of me pulling me closer. Oh yes... I'm sure you know what happened next... Yup. Kiss, kiss, smooch smooch... Students walk in... Much laughter and woo-ing ensues! Ohh, how embarrassing!

But, I think I had better round it off for tonight. Seems that this entry is very long! I'll continue it tomorrow, hehe.

So exiting isn't it?

Ta-ta for now!

Friday, May 12, 2006

September 8th

Mood - What the...

(Note to self:
Don't let Lockhart cast ANY spells on you... Especially not ones that back-fire and remove your clothes...)

I was sort of naughty this morning... I slept in my mistake. I woke to some very loud knocking at my door. It was Minerva wondering if I was ok. She, of course, had to do that little "Don't make a habit of it, Miss Prince" speech... It was her duty after all. She asked me how I was though before leaving which was nice of her. (Glad she wasn't too angry with me.)

A student arrived so she went to teach her class while I listened to the Slytherin lad's troubles. (Being teased about his weight.) I had a class so I was hoping he would try and be a little quicker than what he was, but no matter... He eventually stopped talking and I was able to get ready. (I threw on a white outfit. White blouse that fans out at the bottom. You know... like a fishtail skirt... only a blouse, haha.) and a white skirt with ribbon going around the middle of it with for bows. I haven't worn all white for ages, so it was a nice change.

I picked up my diary that I'd left by my bed last night and was just about to put it in my drawer and lock it safely away when the photo Gilderoy had given me dropped out and floated to the ground. I picked it up and smiled to myself. He DID look handsome in it though, all dressed up smart like he was. Next minute you know, I discovered something else about it... There was another photo stuck underneath it. I don't know if he had intentionally given me two, or if it was a mistake, but I decided to look anyway.

Let me just say my face must have been a VERY bright red colour at that moment in time... It was a picture of Gilderoy with a wide-brimmed wizard hat, sprawled on a couch... Naked!!! I gasped rather loudly, of course... But, my goodness, he did look rather good. Tee hee!

I must have stood there a good 15 minutes staring at the picture... I couldn't help it! It wasn't every day you get to see Gilderoy 'I'm-so-unattainable' Lockhart in his birthday suit is it?

Anyways, I finally regained my composure, put the photos back in my diary and exited my room... I had a huge grin and red cheeks all the way down to Lockhart's class. All the students I passed found it rather strange I think... They set about whispering to each other.

Knocked politely on the door (As class had no doubt started by that point.) and peeked my head rather awkwardly around the corner as Lockhart said 'Come in'. He saw my head peering round the door and raised his eyebrows and smirked saying "Ah, Miss Prince! Good of you to join us... Finally." The sarcastic toe rag, him! All the students whirled around and stared at me. So I just gave him a playful evil eye and walked in. I don't think he is used to seeing me in white. He stood staring at me for ages in silence. I think the students were a bit worried, haha! He finally managed to spit out a few words and I sat quietly at the back in the corner. He was like "R-r-right, w-well... Er, yes. Er..." One of the students must have got a bit fed up of waiting and reminded him where they were.

The class was quite fun. We were studying some interesting creatures... Unfortunately didn't get to handle any or see them in real life, but he made it rather interesting. Even if he DID talk about himself a lot during it... Oh, and kept staring at me all the sodding while. (Now the students will DEFINITELY have things to gossip about.)

Eventually it was time for me to try out the teaching assistant bit, so I stood up and made my way to the front greeted by My 'Smiley' as he grabbed me by my shoulders from behind. (I was still blushing about the picture and I was now even redder by that point. I wonder if he meant to give me that pic, or was it perhaps a very bad mistake? Regardless... WHEW! Hot...!) He was all "Miss Prince here is going to be my teaching assistant, so be nice to her...", then he rubbed his cheek against mine in one of those subtle ways that people watching can hardly notice. One of the students whispered to his friend sat next to him "I bet that's not all she's going to do." Lockhart heard it, frowned (Doesn't he know it causes wrinkles? Hehe.) and aimed his wand at the boy saying "I've warned you before Herrod Fawnsworth... One more outburst like that and I'll silence your mouth!" I leaned in towards his face a little and whispered out the corner of my mouth, asking what he'd said or done before. Apparently the little sod had been saying stuff about me and him all morning. (I know now why the rules say to keep it all from students eyes... Even though there's nothing going on.)

My first role as assistant was do demonstrate a technique. This one was how to defend yourself by using sound alone, so I had to wear a blindfold. He took the purple velvet blindfold (Purple! AGAIN!) and slowly wrapped it around my eyes telling me that I had nothing to fear. I was quite nervous, but I knew nothing bad would happen... Well, at least I HOPED it wouldn't... I'd heard how clumsy he is at times. He then told the class that he would be casting a spell that would make some projectiles fly around the room and I would have to defend myself using only my ears as guides. He handed me my wand and brushed his face next to mine again saying "Good luck" in the softest voice imaginable. I then heard him take a few steps back and warn the class to keep as low to their desks as they could... Then he uttered some words and I heard a 'fzzzap' noise... Then the students erupting in laughter for some odd and unknown reason. I heard Gilderoy gasp rather loudly and say "Oh... good lord." By then, as you no doubt could have guessed, I was quite worried so I removed the blindfold and asked what was so funny... Only to find myself in my underwear!

Oh jeeze, how embarrassing! First the photo, now this! I shrieked rather loudly and tried to cover up. I turned to face you-know-who, who was covering his mouth and trying rather unsuccessfully to avert his eyes. The students were all still laughing and some (The little pervs) were wolf whistling at me!

Lockhart, red as heck, stammered "Er... er er.... C-class d-dismissed! I-I'll have to s-sort this out."

As the students stood up from their desks still roaring with laughter at my expense that troublemaker turned around and wiggled his eyebrows saying "I'm sure you'll sort this out sir, hehe." Gilderoy frowned and waved his wand at him... It didn't have the desired effect. It didn't silence the boy, instead it created a swarm of strange flies that attacked the students by buzzing at them and chasing them out the room.

Gilderoy had flung one of his capes over me by that point and was back to holding me by the shoulders. I leaned my head backwards and told him what fine work he had done in a sarcastic way and he gave me the evil eye. So... I said that it wasn't all that bad, after all we were even. I think I confused him and he asked how we were even and what over. So I said that he had seen me in my underwear and I... Had seen him naked. His eyes widened and an eyebrow slowly raised. He was like "I beg y-your p-pardon... S-sorry?" I told him about the photo and he blushed... a lot. He smiled at me nervously, so I winked at him and said "Nice hat by the way." Hehe, oohh I'm evil. He blushed redder and wrapped his arms around me tighter shifting his weight from one foot to the other somewhat nervously.

I love to watch him squirm, its so funny...

He said sorry for the whole clothes thing and so he kindly let me borrow the cape for a while while he walked me back to my room. When we got there Snape was walking past and gave us an odd look. (Well, I guess it was expected, I mean... I was half naked with one of Gilderoy's capes draped over me and Lockhart had his arm around my shoulders keeping it held in place.) Mr 'Mishaps-united' just smiled at him in that absent minded way and helped me unlock the door to my room. Snape quickly asked us if we remembered that there was a celebration/ball thing being held for the seniors later that night. I was like "YOU WHAT?!" I hadn't heard ANYTHING about any god damned ball. It was news to me. I was quite flustered... Gilderoy knew I think, but I guess he viewed it as payback for my 'hat' comment. Why wasn't I informed!? Snape walked off with a look of thunder spread across his face muttering something about insects while I asked Gilderoy when this ball was decided upon and why I wasn't told. He just shrugged and said it was arranged before I arrived. Great... I didn't have long to get ready did I?

We entered my and I headed to my drawers to find a new outfit to wear. He said "Its a good job its dinner break eh?" I just laughed and held up a couple of clothes to see if he liked them. He insisted he picked my outfit and decided to root through my drawers himself. He found something I hadn't worn in ages and gave me it. It was virtually identical to what he was wearing! (How ironic is that?) He grinned and told me that's what he had chosen, so I raised an eyebrow playfully and handed the cape back... forgetting about my half undressed state. Oops! He was like "Oh... oh my goodness!" and turned his head. Silly me! I ran behind the curtain that was by my bed and changed. I could hear him looking through a few more of my clothes and he told me he liked them.

He went quiet for a while though... I don't know if he'd found my underwear or something, haha! I finished getting dressed and peeked round the curtain to see him quickly putting something back in my drawer and turning around with an oddly expressionless face. OK, what was wrong? What had he seen? Was there some dirty laundry mixed in with the clean or something? Did he find a photo of my brother and think he was a boyfriend or something? Heck... Something sure had him a little zapped. He managed the faintest of smiles when he saw my outfit, but told me he had to go and get his things sorted for the celebration. He walked off and shut the door behind him leaving me all worried!

What had I done?

I was rather distant during dinner break and when some students came to visit me with ball related problems I was rather distant as well. I wasn't much help at all. Minerva knocked on my door a little later on holding some sort of package in her arms saying "Surprise!" (Unusually chirpy for her I must say. Must be exited.) She told me that the professors wanted to surprise me and she had ordered a few gowns and some might fit me. I don't know how she could possibly know my size, but never mind. She layed a box down on my bed and pulled 3 beautiful gowns from inside it and layed them next to it. They were simply stunning. A navy one with black feathers around the neck, a pale pink one with a corset waist and a white one with netting around the waist line and a square neck. Naturally I chose the white one. I don't like pink and the other wasn't really my style. Minerva was like "Oooh, good choice dear!" and asked if there was any reason I looked like Lockhart. Haha! I told her what happened and she tutted and shook her head. I thanked her for the beautiful dress and so she left me to it. It took me ages to get ready, I had to call in a passing student to help me lace the back of my dress up. Haha!

Anyway. I was finally ready. It was such short notice my head was spinning. I didn't know if I was coming or going... There I was one minute virtually naked being laughed at my students, the next I was dressed in a pure white ball gown replete with white lace gloves ready to attend a bloody ball! This place is crazy!!!

Anyways... It is getting quite late now and I'm tired. The clock tells me its late anyway. I'll tell you more about the ball tomorrow when I wake up. Boy I have a lot to say!!! Weeeeee!!!

Good night!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

September 7th

Mood - Fizzled

(Note to self:
Don't allow Gilderoy to get drunk in your office.)

Hmm, now where was I? OH yes... The knock at the door. Turned out to be the headmaster. He wanted to talk about the whole thing about me taking classes. Thank GOD he only asked me to do one. DADA. Well, it seems every professor here can defend themselves properly except me, so I guess its not such a bad idea in the long run. Too bad Mr Universe takes the class. I like him don't get me wrong, but I really don't know how to take him as of late... I'll get to that later though.

Back to the headmaster. He also asked me if I wanted to attend a Quidditch match that is being held tomorrow. Hufflepuff versus Slytherin I believe. (Oh boy. I'm very sure violence will ensue.) I agreed naturally and it seems he has arranged for Snape to accompany me. Odd choice I must say... I hope Minerva hasn't had a say in this... The stirrer, haha.

The Headmaster also asked how I've been coping. (I think he can tell how homesick I am.) I told him how I was feeling, as I figured there was no point in holding back when he was willing to listen. I also told him how welcome I've been here at Hogwarts and how all the teachers (especially Lockhart.) have made me feel loved. He said that he was very glad and also added that "Lockhart would make you feel like that. He is like it with everyone." I don't know how to take that really. Almost feels like he's saying I'm nothing special, but I know he didn't mean it that way.

We then got talking about rules and regulations. I innocently asked if there are any rules regarding teachers having romantic attachments to each other and he only goes and smirks in that funny way... You know, that smirk I've been getting a lot recently. What on earth could he have been thinking?! Me and... Oh no no no. That would be wrong and far too obvious... wouldn't it? He raised an eye brow and asked "Why, did you have someone in mind?" Needless to say I was a bit shocked and assured him I was merely and not to mention innocently asking a simple question. Turns out its not against the rules, its just advisable to keep any such romantic involvement away from students eyes as it distracts and what not.

Next minute you know he starts this long speech about how 'He has noticed the way me and Lockhart act towards each other" and that "We can't hide it." What on earth is he talking about?! I started to wonder if he'd been too close to Snape's potions again. Well, perhaps Lockhart may be acting oddly, but not me! I'm a master of disguise I am. Well, at least I THINK I am. Ohhh rats... Do I feel sheepish. I doubt he feels like I do anyway. As the Headmaster said, hes like it with everyone.

Anyway. Regarding classes... It seems I'll be in classes for the first part of the morning when I have to attend, then acting as teaching assistant the second half and then the rest of the time will be spent doing my original advising job.

After the headmaster left I saw a couple of students then it was time for dinner break. Lockhart poked his hair, oops I mean head, round the corner and smiled that dopey smile of his. (Which made me turn to jelly inwardly by the way.) He came in and perched on the couch and ate dinner with me. (No beans this time thankfully.) He had even brought along some contraband... Firewhiskey. (His favorite apparently.) He offered me some. I'm not a big drinker, but I'd never tried it before. By heck it wasn't half strong, but it wasn't half nice too! Yummie!

I think he had a bit too much though. He kept grabbing my arm tightly and hugging it saying he wanted to go to sleep. It was quite cute, but it was a bit naughty of him since he had a class to teach later on that afternoon.I tried to get him to go back to his office but the persistent toe rag insisted on keeping me held down so he could use me as a pillow. I figured I should have let him sleep it off, hopefully he would have been sober by the time his class was due. So I did. I was able to slip out of his firm grasp and let him lay on the couch. I placed a throw over him and he subconsciously grabbed a cushion. He looked SO adorable!

A student arrived for advice and didn't notice Lockhart at all... Until he started snoring loudly. The poor lad nearly wet himself with fright. He asked what he was doing there so I told him he was tired. (Which was true.) He left rather shocked... I dread to think what he is going to tell his friends.

A while passed and Lockhart was still asleep. I couldn't resist walking over and staring at him. It was adorable the way his hair was trailing over one eye and the way his mouth slowly opened and closed as he snored quietly. A picture of perfection. Found myself stroking his hair though which would have been rather awkward if he had have woken up. And guess what... He did. He raised his head and stared me straight in the face. (Probably scared I was some sort of crazed fangirl who likes to cut off bits of celebrities and keep them in a shrine in some cupboard somewhere.) But, thankfully he wasn't too scared. He smiled rather softly at me instead and sat up. My hand had still been on his head so he grabbed hold of it and kissed it lightly. (Such a charmer!) I wondered if he was still slightly drunk, but surprisingly enough he was fine.

Then, he realized he was late for his class and stood up. He was just going out the door when Snape walked by and walked back only to have a go at him. Apparently the students were "bothered that he was late". Snape was all like "What were you doing in Rachel's room" and whatnot. I just stood there in silence. Heck, I didn't know what to do or say. Lockhart just smiled and stumbled his way to his class leaving Snape staring at me with the most unusual look on his face. It was almost like he was angry at me or something. What had I done? It wasn't my fault Gilderoy 'Can't-hold-his-drink-too-well' Lockhart had gotten drunk and was late!

Anyway... He walked into my room and said that he was accompanying me to the Quidditch match... Which I already knew, but I thought I'd let him tell me anyway. I smiled politely at him which he seemed to like. He stood there staring at me with the slightest of smirks on his face. It was most unusual. He then decides to pipe up saying something to the effect of "I take it you'll be cheering for Hufflepuff." I could tell he seemed to think I was a typical female professor... So I told him I'd cheer for his students. It seemed only nice. I think it pleased him and so he said he would call for me mid morning. (I wonder if Gilderoy will be there.)

He left anyways and not much really happened after that. Had tea rather late, but other than that it was normal. Got to bed at around 10 ish which was ok. Looking forward to the Quidditch match as it was going to be my first!

Woke up feeling homesick again this morning. I should really write back to my folks... I will have to get onto it tomorrow, its far too late to be doing anything now.

Went and had breakfast with Sprout. I haven't really had much chance to talk to her. She seemed to have this funny idea that me and Snape were some sort of an item. (I bet its Minerva's doing.) I set her straight anyway... (What is it with people and matchmaking here? Don't they have anything better to do?!)

Got back to my office and started to file some things I had lying around till Snape arrived. He knocked on my door and entered holding a Slytherin scarf. He said he thought I might like it for the match. How sweet... I smiled at him and thanked him while he wrapped it around my neck. (Wasn't exactly sure why he did it so slowly and why he insisted on staring at me, but never mind.)

Headed off to the match and sat in the stands. It was so big! It was amazing! I was so exited I was literally jumping around. Snape pretended he didn't mind, but I think I started to scare him a bit I was that hyper, haha!

Sat down next to him anyway and he explained some of the rules as I really wasn't exactly sure of them. Gilderoy was there, he was just sat in the stands next to us. He kept looking over at me... I think he watched me more than the game itself, the silly goose.

The match was amazing... Slytherin won! I've never felt so alive. I should really watch the games more often.

After it had ended I headed back to my office ready for dinner. Lockhart was stood waiting at my door leaning on the frame. He was fiddling with his gloves and smiling as usual.

I love our dinner breaks. They are really great. I can really talk to him, you know? We get on so well.

He was all like "Ohh, nice scarf. Converting to Slytherin are we?" so I just gave him an evil look. Hehe. I unlocked the door and entered... So he started saying things like "Oh yes, I think it suits you, Mrs Snape. Truly!"

I was like 'YOU WHAT?" I couldn't believe what he had said. He laughed and patted my head telling me not to be so touchy, so I told him what Minerva had been thinking and about Sprout. I think he was shocked, as he didn't say anything for a bit. He just sat on my couch chewing some odd roll looking thing filled with purple veggies. He finally piped up and offered me one. Well, as long as they weren't alcoholic they were fine by me. Sat and chatted for a while, then he suddenly grabbed hold of my arm and said "I wanna go sweep sweep!" I immediately though they had been drugged, but the sod was just playing. He opened an eye and looked up at me with a cheeky little grin. I just smiled and swatted at him, so he grabbed on tighter saying "Not letting you go. Your mine now, sorry." (Oh wow. Did I melt or what.) Surprisingly, I didn't blush. Nope. I just said "That's fine by me." OK... what the heck is wrong with me? I'd NEVER say that... Those rolls MUST have been drugged. But, they weren't.

I think he wasn't expecting it either. He slowly lifted his head up and looked me straight in the eyes. (Eeee..... Wow. Hot.) His face was a picture... He grinned saying "I-i-it... is?" I just nodded like one of those dog things you see in muggle cars. He smiled more when I nodded. I think he was pleased. He took my hand again and gave it another of his lovely kisses. I think I was high on something though... I ended up saying "Is that the best you can do?" Oh jeeze. Yes, definitely high...

Then something happened I never expected... There was a knock at the door... (YOU FIENDS!!!) A student walked in and shut the door behind her asking if she could talk. (Well, there goes that moment.) Gilderoy, somewhat irritated by the interruption it seemed, said goodbye and left the room, while I listened to the girls problems.

It pretty much got worse as the evening went on. I had to see another 6 students, no sign of Gilderoy at all all evening and I spilled ink on the couch. Don't ask me how though.

I'm so tired now, I can't wait to go to sleep. I'm just in bed at the moment finishing this entry then I'm going to snuggle down and go to sleep.

Night night all...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

September 5th & 6th

Mood - Irritated, not to mention nervous

(Note to self:
Find a SAFER place to put this diary... And learn to lock the office door when leaving for prolonged periods of time.)

Missed out yesterday. The reason? Some little blighter stole my diary from my room while I was out visiting Mr. 'Combs-a-lot' at the hospital wing. How do I know this you ask? Well, its quite obvious really. It has licorice fingerprints all over the first few pages. I hate licorice, so I know it was nabbed. One other reason was the fact it wasn't in my draw when I got back, but it was in it this morning when I woke up.

When I find out who it was they are in big trouble. I've already had a bunch of Slytherin's giggling at me, so I know it must have been one of them. Its only a matter of time... They can't ALL like licorice...

No doubt the reason why they have been giggling is because of all the Lockhart related stuff I've written. They have over active imaginations I say and not to mention too much spare time on their hands. I might suggest extra classes to the Headmaster. Extended hours means less time for them to mull things over and draw daft conclusions, not to mention less time to prank.

Which brings me to my next issue. Poor Gilderoy was no better when I went to visit him yesterday morning. But, I must say... the hair on his eyes were full of body and shine. Haha! He had even given them a parting in the middle. I about cracked up when I saw him.

Sat with him for about an hour or so. I think he enjoyed the company. When I had to leave a group of students that were being taught by him came to see him too before their classes started which I thought was nice. They had made him a get well soon card and had got it signed by virtually all of their class mates. I didn't like it when one of them leaned over and whispered "Hurry up and get better! Miss Prince is useless at teaching." I don't know what they mean... Haha! Its not my fault I'm crap at it. Snape really should have asked someone else. It seemed to amuse Lockhart slightly at least, which is good.

Got back to my office right on time to start my morning advising shift. Saw 3 Hufflepuff's, a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw all complaining about Draco Malfoy. (Problems eem to be on the increase suddenly. I might have to have a chat with Snape about his 'precious pupil'.)

Dinner break came around surprisingly fast... Decided to be all nice and go spend it in the hospital wing. I don't know HOW he did it, but he was able to flick a bean at me and hit me between the eyes. Crack shot even with haired up eyes!

The hospital wing was actually fairly deserted. I think the nurse went for dinner while Gilderoy ate his. Well, its not exactly a serious injury or something, so it is forgivable that she left him, lol. But, knowing him he'd probably jam a fork in his face or something if left alone too long.

He could tell no one was around and he started talking about family. Its strange, because he never talks about anything like that normally. To anyone! Well, I say he began to talk, he asked me about mine mostly. I told him about my mother and father and how they got divorced when I was young and about my half-blood brother and sister. He asked if I was married, so I told him I wasn't. Didn't quite like the sly grin he gave me when I said that though...

Talking about my family made me homesick again. I miss them lots... I think he could tell, as I went awfully quiet on him. He gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. (Shame he missed first off and gave me a pat somewhere else... How red he went. Hah!) It actually made me feel better...

Went back to my office after dinner break ended and spoke to the nurse as we passed in the corridor. She says he should be fine by tomorrow. (Tomorrow being today. The 10th.) I hope so...

When I got into my office my diary was gone out the draw. I didn't really have time to scream bloody murder at that moment, so I figured I would save it for later. Had a change of clothes, as I had the last set thoroughly beaned upon courtesy of 'you know who'.

Headed off to 'Sir Beans-r-us' class ready to teach again. Or not to as the case may have been. Which it was, by the way...

After that I saw 3 more students, had tea etc and then went to bed... Diary-less and throughly miffed I can tell you.

Woke up this morning to find it had magically re-appeared in the draw. Examined it with a fine tooth comb, as it were and was happy to see it hadn't had pages ripped out or had been written in or something. However, I felt insecure that it had been read. Too... much blackmail material.

Exited my room and went for breakfast, only to be giggled at by a group of Slytherin yobs. Where is Snape when you need him, huh? I'll tell you where... Stuffing his face with pickled frogs eyes, that's where! I ignored the onslaught of laughter as best as I could and decided I would enjoy my breakfast regardless.

Snape came and sat next to me chewing the remnants of his pickled frogs eye stew (Ick.) and picking at his teeth. He said that the Headmaster had asked him to tell me he thought it might be a good idea if I take a couple of classes myself just in case I'm needed. It sounds all well and good, but WHAT!? ME!? In a CLASS!? Ohh, the humanity! (Or something like that anyway...)

Minerva passed by on the way to where ever she was heading and shot us an odd look, then a smirk. Oh god, she's doing it again. I think Snape started to realize what she had been implying too and just raised an eyebrow. (I hope he doesn't start getting ideas himself. Its bad enough having rumors circulating about me and Lockhart, let alone him as well!) Then a group of Snape's students waltzed by laughing and pointing at us both. It really didn't help that I was wearing all black... They were all. "Oh look, twins!" or something to that effect. Snape, thank god, had decided enough was enough and chased them out the hall looking like a mad man. He doesn't take kindly to mockery obviously.

Got back to my office. (I still didn't remember to lock it, haha!) Stepped inside and shut the door only to be greeted by the most unusual smell. It was like a mix between lavender, mint, eucalyptus and thyme. I stood there sniffing at it for a while with a rather puzzled look on my face and then had the shock of my life when a voice came from behind me saying "Did you miss me?"

I about leaped out my skin, I tell you! The sound I made was quite funny though. Sounded like a goose, haha! I turned around to see Gilderoy stood to the side of the door dressed in his lilac robes. (How I failed to see him I have NO idea.) He was leaning against a bookcase with the hugest grin spread across his face I've ever seen. It was almost playful.

I was so happy he was better. (And not to mention relieved knowing I wouldn't have to sub for him, haha.) He thanked me for the flower I picked for him, which he was fiddling with in his hands. Heck, that's nothing. I could understand the gratitude if I had bought him a new house or something, but a flower!? The sap... Haha.

He also thanked me for being a sub for him while he was 'ill'. He even gave me a present... A signed photo, Hah! Most would be offended, but not me. I soon snapped it up. (Its going straight in this here diary!)

After placing a kiss on my hand (And me turning bright red as per usual.) he left for his class. It sprung to my mind suddenly that he would have been a bit late when he got there. Whoopsie, silly Gildy-poo. Er... Forget I wrote that.

Got a visit from Megan Kellett shortly after he left. Poor gal. I hope she starts fitting in soon. I know what its like to be ganged up on, I've had it for most of my life.

I had a few letters owled to me... One from my Mom and one from my sister, Kelly.

I haven't seen my sister in ages. She tends to keep herself to herself now she married or something. Lucky so-and-so, why can't I be married?! Ugh, I better stop turning green now hadn't I?

But, seriously. I would just love to settle down some day and raise a family. I have wanted children for such a long time now... I get so envious when I see the people I know with their babies all cute and pink and big-eyed. Why can't anything like that happen to me? I just know I'm going to end up being the token crazy old lady with a billion cats and a green moth-eaten sofa... (Just to clarify. My sister doesn't have kids, I was just making a statement. She says she doesn't like them and never wants to have a child... ever! I think she's nuts myself...)

My Mom's letter was just telling me about how she was. She injured her knee recently... I hope she remembers to use the knee repair spell instead of just leaving it.

I'm just waiting for my dinner break now... I hope it comes soon, I'm starving.

OH! Gotta go, someone's at the door...