(Note to self:
Next time one is out shopping, use a transformation spell and turn yourself into a warty old hag!)
"If music be the food of love, play on..."
Oh, don't worry about me. I just got hold of a really nice gramophone and I'm listening to some seriously good symphonies.
Went shopping, as promised, with Sir Preen-a-lot. He was wearing a remarkably beautiful deep purple outfit with gold buttons down the front. It has to be said, he does have astoundingly good taste. That is, if one ignores all knowledge of his secret hot pink outfit. But, due to the fact that we were going to be in public and we didn't want to be disturbed by fans, he had to wear a very wide-brimmed hat. (Of a matching design I might add. Naturally.)
Anyway, we walked into the shop where he was to buy his outfit and browsed the garments on offer. There was this beautiful duck egg blue outfit with a matching silk sash. It had silver trimmings and a very fancy looking design embroidered on the cuffs. Its just a shame that he didn't really think it was suitable. I WAS, however, secretly glad when he put it to one side and bought it for dinner occasions. I can't wait to see him in it! (Or otherwise. Heehee.)
After much faffing around, he found what he was looking for. I nearly jumped out of my skin! I was just looking through some lovely blue outfits for him (They had everything sorted by colour in there), when all of a sudden I hear this frightfully loud noise come from his direction that sounded something like "EUREKA!" I was worried that he was being attacked or something by the way he shouted it, but then again, I guess I should be used to his moments of clothing-related hysteria by now, shouldn't I?
Walked over to where he was stood, only to be shoved back to where I was! I wasn't allowed to see what he was going to buy! I complained, of course. I told him he was a nit-wit and that it was tradition for the bride to hide her dress, not the groom, only to realize that the shop keeper was staring at us with wide eyes. Whoops! That had torn it. Me and my big mouth!
The shop keeper leaned forwards on his counter with his tape measure handing off his neck demanding to know if it was true. Gilderoy, who was actually being a little quick-witted for a bloody change, grinned nervously, flailed his arms and said "Oh no, no, good chap! I, er... I'm buying for a friend of mine. Well, he's no friend, actually he's my brother. Not that my brother isn't my friend, but still. I'm trying it on in his stead. We are exactly the same size don't you know." I interrupted by running over and shoving Gilderoy into the changing room. That was a rare quick-witted moment, but by the gods, did he go on and on! And, he would have gone on even longer had I not I bundled him into that changing room sooner.
However, it was up to me then. With Mr Ego out of the picture, the shop keeper turned his attention to, in his words, "Miss Bride". How do I get myself into these situations!? Its only since I met Mr I-feel-pretty that I've found myself in the middle of such messes! I knew I should have used a transformation spell or something. Turned into some old wart-encrusted hag. If the shop keeper was busy puking in the nearest toilet due to my foul looks, he wouldn't ask so many damn questions would he, hah! But, noooo. It wasn't like that. It was just me, stood there in my black cloak, blinking slowly and virtually being interrogated by the shop keeper, who was quite obviously starved of any good gossip.
After Gilderoy's last comment before he was drop-kicked away, the shop keeper looked at me though slitted eyes. He didn't believe a word Lockhart had said. Not a single, solitary word. So, what could I say when he asked me if it was all true? I couldn't lie, because I don't believe in lying. I just stood there and smiled nervously, only to be met with loud cheering. I insisted he kept quiet about it and I was rather surprised when he agreed. Lets just hope he is as good at keeping promises as he was at making clothes!
After a while of mild hysteria, lots of odd noises came from the changing room until a shout was heard for the shop keepers assistance. Turned out he was posing in the mirror to see if it suited him and needed his opinion. So, after a heck of a lot of "Are you sure?" and "It doesn't make me look fat, does it?", oh and not to mention "Does it give me too big a wedgie?" (Which, I must admit, made me giggle a lot), we finally walked out of the shop. It was a good job too. I was getting roasting.
Suddenly, a little way down, Gilderoy stopped in the middle of the street clutched at his bag with a grin on his mush. I was all "Whats up with you?" and so he grabbed my arm and literally dragged me to the shop across the way saying "You don't think I forgot our deal, do you?"
"Ding-a-ling", went the bell as I vaulted through the door in a highly confused manner. I stood there disoriented while he approached the counter. After my eyes had focused properly, I looked around the shop. Wands. Lots of wands. Oh god yes! He promised me a new wand if I helped him. Oh joy! It didn't take long for him to make a purchase. We were in and out in a flash when I think about it. Especially compared to the time spent in the clothes shop.
After we had finished in Diagon Alley, we headed back to the school and had dinner in the great hall. We were nearly severely pelted with potato skins, as the Slytherin yobs decided to have a food fight mid-meal. Little brats.
A little while later, Snape stomped his way into the hall, only to be hit in the face by a projectile. Much ranting, raving and detention giving ensued.
Great. He was in a bad mood before, but when they did that... Hoo boy. And to make matters worse he was walking our way. He got nearer the table and Gilderoy turned his head in another direction and pretended that he hadn't noticed him. God, that man can't act to save his life. I was more courteous at least. I just smiled slightly and said hello. To be honest, I don't think he had even noticed that we were sat there until I greeted him. He almost leaped backwards in shock! And after a hello from him, which was actually more of a nervous smile, he plonked himself down in his seat and chewed on what ever it was that was in front of him.
Gilderoy whispered something in my ear about how weird Snape was. It was quite loud, so I told him to shush. Last thing we needed was more things to irritate the man. It has to be said though, he WAS acting mighty strange. Mind you, he acted a bit strange this morning. You see, before I went to Diagon Alley, Snape asked me to 'babysit' the Slytherin yobs. He actually caught me on my way out, but thankfully it only took a few minutes for him to return. Anyway, that's besides the point. He seemed a bit distant, or nervous around me or something. I was always under the impression that he was a hard-case, but all the evidence I've seen lately has always been to the contrary.
I still can't believe I had to babysit those little buggers! All I got was comments about what I was wearing. I was wearing the black coat and black cloak I wore to the shops and they kept comparing me to a certain potions master. Grr. "Mrs Snape". Ugh. They really annoy me. They think they can say and do anything they want to and it really gets up my nose. I have no idea how Severus puts up with them. I really don't. Hey! I just called him Severus. Hah! I never do that. That's weird...
Anyway, back to the Great Hall, Gilderoy whispering potentially offensive comments about Snape uncomfortably loud and Snape himself being a distant oddball. A group of Gryffindor lads walked in the room shouting and laughing. So, what do you think happened? Yes, that's right. "SHUT UP, OR ITS DETENTION FOR THE LOT OF YOU!" It soon went quiet. Haha.
Gilderoy had finished snacking on his... What ever that was that he was eating (It looked like a mashed up pear with mustard all over it), long before I had finished with my meal. He stood up and announced (with the cliched pointing finger I might add) "Well, must dash! I have a class to teach!" Snape groaned and chewed even harder on his item of food. So, Sir Smex winked at me and mouthed a "See you later, sweetheart", before bounding off to his classroom.
All was silent again. I hate silence at times. Its nice when you are relaxing, but in a social situation, its bloody murder! I'd had enough. Time to boldly go where no man had gone before! OK, that was a bit of an exaggeration. Actually, all I did was ask Snape how he was. I think that surprised him too, because he stopped eating and was frozen to the spot for a few seconds, before turning his head slowly to face me. Well, I had to try to stifle my giggles. He had a purple blob right on the end of his nose! Haha! Finally he spoke. I say finally, because if he had have been silent any longer I would have fallen off my seat! He told me that he was fine all thing considered and that he wanted to thank me for the kind deed this morning. A few Slytherins had wandered in and heard him say that, only to look gone out at us both. Needless to say, we both shot them the look of death.
Well, I had just about had it. I couldn't take it any longer. I HAD to tell him about his nose. So I said: "Er, you have purple on you." He frowned at me and was all "I beg your pardon?" So, I scooted over to the seat next to him and poked him on the end of his nose and showed him the purple on the end of my finger that had transferred. Well, did his face look a picture. Hah! (I still can't believe I did that.) He finally, after much shocked blinking, realized what I was talking about and wiped off the purple with a napkin.
I asked him if he had eaten the purple veggie rolls, to which he replied "Yes." Haha. It was no wonder he had himself a purple facial mishap then. They are infamous for it. It actually turned out that it was the first time he had tried them. He said that he avoids anything with such vibrant colouration usually, but had noticed that I ate a lot of them and so he had decided to give them a try. Apparently, facial issues aside, he actually rather enjoyed them. Success! There's something for the Daily Prophet! I can see it now:
"SNAPE ENJOYS PURPLE VEGGIE ROLLS!"The Wizarding world is shocked to find out that the grumpy Severus Snape actually LIKES something!
I sat there a bit longer, only to suddenly have a full blown conversation with him! I was shocked! He actually spoke to me like a normal person would. Not that he isn't normal. Oh god. It is a good job he will never read this, haha.
We were talking about some random thing like spells and things of that nature. He was saying that not long after I left, one of the Slytherin lads nearly killed himself. He tried to curse one of the girls and failed. He said that it was a good job I left when I did or it could have been me. Yeek. What a horrible thought.
As he was telling me, there was something I noticed about him that really knocked me for six. His face looked similar to my families faces. It was his eyes mainly, oh and his nose too. To be honest, it is no wonder that the students keep comparing us. We actually look quite similar. Only... I'm female and... He is older. Much older. Oh god, I hope he never reads this! Haha.
I actually told Gilderoy about my discovery later on that afternoon while we were snug in his office. (I wont go into detail as to how we got there and what we did in between me talking to Snape and me and Lockhart ending up snug in his office.) The toe rag only turned around and said: "Well, yes. I had noticed, but I didn't want to alarm you." That's charming isn't it? Haha... So, I got him back by asking him if it bothered him that he was going to marry the "female Snape". He just stood there, turned his head and looked at me with wide eyes. He did look a sight. For a moment, I was scared he was going to back out and dump me or something, but was relieved when he ran over and dived on me.
Anyway, its morning now. Nearly 8 o'clock actually. I'm sat in my office waiting for the next student to tell me about their issues. Already had one. Another scared Hufflepuff. They virtually banged my door down and I had to get up in my night gown! It was 4 in the morning. They shouldn't have even been wandering the corridors at that hour! But, ho-hum. That's duty. Lots of talking about being scared. Mucho comfort. Jobs a good 'un. Bobs your uncle. (Actually, no Andrew is.)
So, here I am. Bored to tears and randomly doodling on a piece of paper at the same time as writing this.
Oh, how I love my new wand! It is beautiful. He bought me only the finest wand in stock, naturally. Sorry, that was a bit random wasn't it? Well, what do you expect when you are bored and have to wait for breakfast!
Oh, I have to go. They are FINALLY here.